Fall Workshop Announced!

Date: Thursday, September 26th 2019
Time: 8:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Location: Village Links of Glen Ellyn, 485 Winchell Way, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Join us for the SWANA Illinois Chapter Fall Workshop and Annual Meeting. This year's workshop will be revealing the hidden world of lithium-ion batteries! These small but explosive items can now be found in everything from toys to earbuds. Due to their ubiquitous nature, the waste and recycling industry is grappling with managing the ongoing challenges of these batteries. Come hear from several prominent industry experts who will discuss the associated complications of the batteries within your waste stream and learn about some possible methods to minimize their impact.

Registration Fees:

          Full Registration (Includes hot breakfast, workshop, lunch &golf)    $125 per person

          Workshop Only (Includes hot breakfast, workshop & lunch)              $ 75 per person



Fall Workshop & Golf Outing
October 12, 2018
Village Links of Glen Ellyn, Glen Ellyn IL

The SWANA Land of Lincoln Chapter's Fall Workshop and Golf Outing was held October 12, 2018 at Village Links of Glen Ellyn.

This year's workshop focused on the work being done by the recently formed Task Force on Reducing Recycling Contamination, co-chaired by the SWANA-Illinois Chapter and the NWRA-Illinois Chapter and including nearly 30 representatives of state and local government, recycling facility owners, and haulers.  Task Force efforts include:

  • Developing more simplified and unified recycling guidelines
  • Identifying best practices for curbside recycling cart tagging programs
  • Developing and implementing a statewide education campaign

During the workshop, the progress made by the Task Force to date will be shared. Presentations included:

Overview of the Task Force: Efforts to Date and Planned Future Initiatives: Lisa Disbrow (Co-Chair, NWRA), Waste Management, Inc. Walter Willis (Co-Chair, SWANA), Solid Waste Agency of Lake County

Update on Markets and the Impact of Contamination on Costs: Greg Maxwell, Resource Management Companies

How to Slash Contamination Statewide, a Marketing Perspective: Tracy Bugh, Recycle by City


Emerging Solar in Illinois
July 18, 2018  2 PM - 6 PM
Pinstripes, Oakbrook IL


The new Illinois Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) which went into effect June 1, 2017, requires an updated Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) in Illinois. This new RPS directs that solar energy use be expanded, increasing Illinois’ solar capacity from about 75 MW to about 2,700 MW by 2030. With these new requirements, there comes a critical need to examine disposal, recycling or repurposing of used/broken solar panels to ensure protection of the environment.






Fall Workshop & Golf Outing
October 11, 2017

Event Agenda and Flyer

The SWANA Board is hosted an educational smorgasbord with our annual meeting, board elections, an edible smorgasbord, and a few brave souls played a fun 9 holes of golf in the afternoon rain. 

The Smorgasbord of topics included the following presentations:

Recycling - Taking Education to the Curb. Sheila Sarovich, Waste Management.

Composting - Food to Fertilizer. Bill Kenney, Lakeshore Recycling Systems.

Landfill - Using Tech to ID and Combat Increased Subsurface Temps. Chris Peters, Cornerstone Environmental Group.

Plastic Bags - Quantifying the Impact of Chicago's Bag Fee. Kimberly Worthington, City of Chicago and Doug Palmer, ideas42.

Electronics - What IL's Latest E-Waste Law Means...For Everyone. Walter Willis, SWALCO; Rich Hipp, Kuusakoski; and Jerry Pack, IMA.

Pharmaceuticals - How MWRD and Cook Co. are Prescribing Safe Collection. Tim Oravec, MWRD.



Summer Leadership Symposium - July 27


The Illinois Young Professionals (YP) hosted the 1st Annual Summer Leadership Symposium July 27th, 2-6 pm in Romeoville. The symposium allowed anyone participating in an internship related to the solid waste industry to gain professional presentation experience and teach members and non-members alike about new technology, information or projects completed during an individual's internship. 

All SWANA members and colleagues (regardless of whether they are a YP or not) were encouraged to attend the symposium and stay for a speed bowling challenge where networking is highlighted during the game.   

Other highlights:

  • Students receive FREE SWANA membership - register your student intern or student worker today to be a SWANA member!
  • Young Professionals receive their first-year of SWANA membership for $100.
  • MentorMatch is a new program to pair YPs with experienced professionals willing to share their expertise. Enroll as a Mentor or a Mentee today.
  • Get involved in your Illinois Young Professionals group by contacting Andi Dierich, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  


April 20, 2017 SWANA Land of Lincoln Chapter Safety Summit

Thank you to all of our attendees, speakers, and our host Standard Equipment. Presentations from the event are provided below:


Keynote Speaker SWANA’s Safety Initiatives

    David Biderman, SWANA

Claims and Risk Management

    John Sliwicki, ARM, CRIS, VP of Risk Management, Lakeshore Recycling Services

Maintenance Shop Safety

    Lee Polly, Safety Specialist, City of Chicago,Department of Fleet and Facility Management

Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety – DOT Compliance

    John Jones, IDOT

Backing BMPs/Entering and Exiting Vehicles

    John Malabarba, Safety Specialist, City of Chicago, Department of Aviation - Midway

Safety Leadership and Culture

    Paul Wagner, Republic Services


The SWANA Land of Lincoln Board of Directors wishes to thank Standard Equipment for hosting this event at their facility.


To be sure you receive future notices about this event, please send an email saying "Keep me informed about the SWANA Safety Summit" to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

October 6, 2016

Fall Workshop and Golf Outing:
C&D Recovery and Management

The SWANA Land of Lincoln Chapter hosted an exciting morning workshop agenda covering many aspects of C&D recovery and management. Presentations can be found below:

Bill Turley, CDRA Executive Director: C&D Recovery Industry Overview

Walter Willis, SWALCO Executive Director: Lake Co. C&D Ordinance

Chris Lipman, Cook Co. Dept. of Environmental Control Solid Waste Coordinator: Cook Co. C&D Ordinance

KJ Loerop, K.Hoving Recycling and Disposal Vice President: Recovered Market Material Considerations

Anne Nicklin, BMRA Executive Director: Deconstruction Options

Rich Golf, Lakeshore Recycling Systems Managing Partner: Advancements in C&D Sorting Technology

John Schumacher, Assurance Agency Senior Vice President: Managing C&D with Safety in Mind


The SWANA Land of Lincoln Chapter Board wishes to thank our sponsors for this year's workshop:

Brick Sponsors - General Kinematics, Groot Industries

Wood Sponsors - CB&I, Cornerstone Environmental, InterWrap, K.Hoving Companies, Lakeshore Recycling Systems, MBL Recycling, Republic Services, SWALCO, SWANCC, Willco Green

Straw Sponsor - Land and Lakes


May 18, 2016 Facility Tour

Lakeshore Recycling Systems:
Single-Stream MRF and
C&D Processing Tour
Wednesday May 18, 2016


The SWANA Land of Lincoln Chapter tsponsored a tour of Lakeshore Recycling Systems' Heartland Recycling Facility in Forest View.

The Heartland Recycling Facility includes a new single-stream recycling system which began operation in March 2016, as well as construction and demolition debris processing operations. The tour will include both operations, and provide additional opportunity for questions and discussion.

Attendees should wear closed-toe shoes and long pants, as we will be touring active operating areas. If any personal protective equipment is required, registrants will be notified in advance of the tour or it will be provided at the facility.

The facility is located at 6201 West Canal Bank Road (near Harlem Avenue and I-55).
For directions, visit the company's website at http://www.lrsrecycles.com/recycling-facilities/heartland-recycling-center/



March 22, 2016 Workshop

“Love It” or “Leave It”:

What is the Real Story on Glass?


Be part of the conversation on container glass and its presence in the curbside recycling stream. Hear from a panel of experts representing a range of industry perspectives (click on the presenter's name to download a copy of their presentation):

Collector:  Susan Robinson, Federal Public Affairs Director, Waste Management. Drawing on national data and environmental analyses to examine the role of glass recycling in Sustainable Material Management and the Circular Economy; efforts across the value chain to improve recycling solutions for glass collected in curbside recycling programs.

MRF Operator:  Greg Maxwell, Vice President, Resource Management Companies. Receiving, processing, and marketing post-consumer container glass from Midwest residential curbside recycling programs.

Glass Recycler:  Curt Bucey, Executive Vice President, Strategic Materials. Identifying markets and manufacturing options for glass cullet, and assessing environmental and economic impacts of the use of recycled glass as cullet quality has changed over time.

Glass Container Industry:  Lynn Bragg, President, Glass Packaging Institute. Manufacturing needs and challenges when using recycled glass and importance of recycled glass cullet in production of new glass containers.




OCTOBER 13, 2015

The Village Links of Glen Ellyn

485 Winchell Way, Glen Ellyn, IL

The Illinois Land of Lincoln Chapter of SWANA, in cooperation with the Illinois Chapter of NWRA, invites you to join us for a day of education, networking, and Oktoberfest Fun



Will changes in prices and behavior impact how the industry manages recyclables?

Chaz Miller, National Waste & Recycling Assoc., Director of Policy/Advocacy

What are the changes and challenges facing recycling/waste management? Changes in tonnage, composition, management, and markets.

Susan Robinson, Waste Management, Federal Public Affairs Director

What are the solutions? Address contamination, contract language, packaging industry collaboration, changing goals and success measurement.

David Biderman, Solid Waste Assoc. of North America, CEO & Exec. Director

SWANA’s perspective: Joint SWANA/NW&RA White Paper on contracts for processing recyclables, and the role of SWANA in recycling advocacy.

Fall Workshop: Energy From Waste

The Illinois Chapter of SWANA met in Glen Ellyn for a morning workshop discussing technical and financial considerations in the development of projects producing energy from waste. Recent project developments and insight into the current status of the regulatory and financing aspects impacting development were presented.

Presenters included industry representatives and consultants, a USEPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) contractor, and legal and financial experts. The morning workshop concluded with a panel discussion with all of the presenters. Presentations can be found below:

Utilizing Landfill Gas to Power Vehicles

Waste Managements Renewable Energy Projects

USEPAs Landfill Methane Outreach Program

How Can a Fix of Illinois RPS Help Renewable Energy Projects?

Creative Agreements for Renewable Energy from Waste Projects

Financing Renewable Energy from Waste

April 15, 2014 Dinner Meeting Presentations

Presentations from the meeting are located here:

pdf Managing Food Scraps in Illinois - The Potential Role of Anaerobic Digestion

pdf An Update from the Illinois Food Scrap Coalition


CRT Glass Management Challenge Presentation Now Available

The presentation from the SWANA Land of Lincoln Chapter February 5, 2014 Dinner Meeting is available here:


Thank you to those who attended this highly successful event.




Registration Option

Contact SWANA-IL

SWANA Land of Lincoln Chapter
2037 P.O. Box 2037
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60138
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.